The size of Framed Oil Painting : 27 1/4" W x 23 1/4""H x 2" Thick
Image Size: 20" W x 16" HIgh
Artist : H. Winn
Medium: Oil Painting on Canvas
Signed: On lower left
Condition of Frame: Excellent with Gold leaf.
Painting: Excellent except noting the center water area with some paint has been flaked away,
We had this painting last 30 years stored away. It never been hanged since
we purchased. The weight of painting 15 pounds.
The painting done with heavy thick oil painting with fine stroke lines with fine color
coordination and composition. The subject of painting with Sunset scene over the lake.
My photo does not show pinkish orange sky well but actual painting show well.
We purchased this painting from estate sale. This painting had special lighting.
I believe the gold leaf is done by 24 k gold leaf. I show the artist name as H. Winn, but it may be
some other artist name. We priced the painting accordingly. The age of painting 50-70 years old.
It is very good price with Priority mail shipping cost and insured In US.
We will ship the painting with special handling service purchased.
Please note two bottom spots(left and right) on first photo are reflection of lightings.
Sale $245.00 w/US Priority/insured. Item was $500.00